WFTDA Clips Usage and Licensing Guidelines
Thanks for your interest in utilizing footage!
We’ve had lots of requests for footage and are slowly beta testing our processes and procedures, but want to give member leagues access to footage as they need it.
The WFTDA will provide clips of content and other video footage from our archives at no cost to any member league for educational and promotional purposes (non-commercial). These clips of footage may be up to 30 seconds in length. You may only request up to two minutes of footage that includes your team(s) from any one event. Anything beyond two minutes of footage will require approval from, with licensing and usage review. is unable to provide entire games for use.
We are asking leagues to request no more than 2 minutes of clips footage per event that they have participated in (ie: 2014 WFTDA Playoffs in Evansville is one event. If a league attended Playoffs and Championships, they could request 4 minutes of footage), as we grow the infrastructure for this exciting program. This will help us ensure we can accommodate clip requests across multiple leagues.
For clip requests longer than two minutes, please email the Clips/Archive Manager directly at for review and approval.
Leagues may request footage of bouts that include their team(s). For clip requests regarding bouts that do not contain your league’s team(s), you must provide written consent from both teams in the bout you’re looking to use. Submission will not be approved for promotional purposes unless the written permission of those two leagues is submitted alongside the request by emailing it to:
There is a two-week turnaround time for all clips requested through this form. You may request several clips through this form.
Not a WFTDA member league?
Other commercial entities may also submit footage and licensing requests. Use by anyone other than a WFTDA member league for commercial and the non-commercial use, as specified above, will require a specified usage agreement and may be subject to licensing fees.
Submitting Your Clip Requests will only take requests for specific clips – exact game names, dates and specific clip times must be included, using the exact clock and jam time shown on the screen. For example, we will not honor general requests for clips of “hard hits.” does not currently have the resources to perform customized searches like this.
Select clips from archives or use the WFTDA YouTube channel, to locate the footage you’re looking for. You will be asked to provide exact clock and jam time information in the Clip Request Form below.
Under no circumstances may you use footage and associated content without the permission of the WFTDA. This includes downloading or “ripping” content from the WFTDA YouTube channel.