Enter the WFTDA.tv Roller Derby Pumpkin Carving Contest
With Halloween and the 2019 International WFTDA Championships around the corner, we want to cut into the heart of this amazing time of year by hosting our first roller derby-themed Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest, in partnership with JRDA. The contest will have two categories: 18+ and 17 & under, with a total of six winners (three in each category). The contest starts on October 23, 2019 and submissions will be accepted until October 31, 2019.
You can submit your derby-themed pumpkin creations by sharing photos of your creation on Twitter (tag @WFTDAlive), Facebook (tag @wftda), or Instagram (tag @wftda) with the hashtag #WFTDAPumpkin19 to enter the 18+ competition, or #JRDAPumpkin19 for those 17 and under.
Our Twitch MODerator @HeroineB0B will be doing her own derby-themed carvings on Watch Party Wednesday, October 23 and October 30, to give you all some derby pumpkin inspiration over on twitch.tv/WFTDA. She’ll be watching and discussing a game from the 2018 WFTDA International Championships with you while she carves a pumpkin inspired by that game.
We almost forgot to tell you what you can win! All six winners will receive a WFTDA.tv Watch Pass for the 2019 WFTDA International Championships in Montreal—a $30.00 value! Plus you’ll have a cool derby pumpkin for fall decoration!
Pumpkin Submission Tips
- The winning entries will display high levels of originality, craftsmanship, and possibly humor.
- Your pumpkin must be lit up by a candle or other light source in your photo entry. You should include another photo of the pumpkin unlit.
- Pumpkins must be related to roller derby in some way.
- Try to take the best picture possible, as picture quality helps make a good impression on the judges.
- Make sure you tell us what the pumpkin is supposed to be in the caption, just in case it’s not clear.
Don’t delay, start carving right away! The first ever pumpkin carving contest ends October 31, 2019.